Both school models require schools to have ten full academic year students in each indicator to be eligible to earn the points. Schools that do not meet the minimum size of ten students cannot earn points for that indicator.
Component | Description |
Proficiency | Arizona State Assessment and Alternative Assessment in both English Language Arts and Math. |
Growth |
Student Growth Percentiles: English Language Arts and Math Students' performance in the prior year and their growth in the current year compared to their academic peers. Student Growth to Target: English Language Arts and Math Students' ability to reach their annual target. |
English Learners |
Proficiency on English Learner Assessment:
School's percentage of students proficient compared to the average K-8 EL proficiency. Growth on English Learner Assessment: School’s change in performance levels compared to the average K-8 change in performance levels the current year. |
Science Bonus | Based on the proficiency earned on the State Science Assessment, schools may earn 1.5 points for scoring above the statewide average or 3.0 points for scoring well above the statewide average. |
SPED Bonus | Schools with greater than or equal to 80% of the current year statewide average of full academic year students enrolled in special education earn 2.0 bonus points. |
Component | Description |
Acceleration/Readiness (Reported as one score) |
Grades 5-8 High School AzMERIT Math: Increases in students scoring proficient or higher or the school achieves a proficiency rate of 25% or higher. Grade 3 English Language Arts: Decreases the school’s current year minimally proficient percentage compared to prior year or maintains a low minimally proficient percentage. Chronic Absenteeism: Decreases in the school’s current year, chronic absenteeism percentage compared to prior year or maintains a low chronic absenteeism rate. Inclusion of Special Education Students in General Education: Mainstreams a minimum percentage of special education students into a general education classroom. Improved Proficiency of Subgroups: Improvement in the school’s subgroup scores from the prior year’s statewide average for the subgroup, or the subgroup scores are equal to or better than the state’s target for the subgroup. |
Component | Description |
High School Graduation Rate (Reported as one score) |
4, 5, 6, and 7 – year Grad Rate: Graduation rate is calculated based on the 4, 5, 6 and 7-year rates on a tiered weighting system for half of the graduation points. Improvement Calculation: School’s improvement over the prior year’s graduation rate. |
College and Career Readiness (Reported as one score and self-reported by the school) | College and Career Readiness points are determined by averaging points from current year’s seniors’ achievement and accomplishment in a matrix of various categories, from successful completion of a Career and Technical Education Program to performance on Advanced Placement Exams. More information regarding what is included can be found by following the link shown below and visiting the Arizona State Board of Education. |
For more information regarding Arizona’s A-F Accountability System, please visit the Arizona State Board of Education Accountability Website click here.