The Federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires states to identify schools for
Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) for overall low student achievement or low graduation rate,
Additional Targeted Support and Improvement Schools (ATSI) for low subgroup achievement,
and Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI) for schools with consistently underperforming subgroups.
- Schools are identified at least once every three years for each type of Federal Accountability.
- Schools will be identified for CSI - Low Achievement in the Fall of 2022 using data from the 2021-2022 school year.
- Schools were identified for CSI - Low Graduation in the Fall of 2021 using Cohort 2020’s 5-year graduation rate.
Description of the State’s methodology for identifying schools for Additional Targeted Support and Improvement (ATSI) that have low achieving subgroups, including the time period for making that identification
ATSI designations are calculated according to the CSI criteria described below. ATSI
designations are determined using the CSI criteria applied to each individual subgroup with an
N-size of 20 or more.
The major subgroups are as follows:
- American Indian/Native American
- Asian
- Black/African American
- Hispanic/Latino
- Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
- White
- Multiple Races
- Economically Disadvantaged Students
- Children with Disabilities
- English Learners and Fluent English Proficient (FEP) 1-4 Years
Any Additional Targeted Support and Improvement school that does not exit after four years,
based on raising the achievement level of low achieving subgroups, will be identified as a
Comprehensive Support and Improvement School.
Description of the State’s methodology for identifying schools for Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI) that have consistently
underperforming subgroups, including the time period for making that identification
TSI schools are any school with any subgroup in the bottom 2% on ATSI indicators during the
prior three years of most current data. For instance, if one or more of a school's subgroups is
identified in the bottom 2% in 2018-2019, 2020-2021, and again in 2021-2022, they will be
eligible to be identified as a TSI school in the Fall of 2022 for the 2022-2023 school year. TSI
Identification occurs annually.
Description of the State’s methodology for identifying schools for
Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI)
Comprehensive Support and Improvement Schools are the lowest-performing 5% (minimum) of
all schools receiving Title 1 funds or all public high schools in the state failing to graduate two-thirds or more of their students. These schools are required to complete the Comprehensive
Needs Assessment, root cause analyses, and Integrated Action Plan to improve student
achievement and/or graduation rates.
The State’s criteria for a school to exit CSI status before being subject to “more rigorous State-determined action”
Exit Criteria: CSI (low achievement)
- A minimum of two consecutive years of increased student proficiency on the state assessment
- Implementation of school improvement goals, strategies and action steps in state required Integrated Action Plan
- above the state lowest 5% of Title I schools
Exit Criteria: CSI (low graduation rate)
- a minimum of two consecutive years of increased graduation rate
- implementation of school improvement goals, strategies and action steps in state required Integrated Action Plan relative to increasing graduation rate
- Graduation rate of two-thirds or greater
All Comprehensive Support and Improvement Schools will be expected to exit within four years of identification.
If not, they will then be subject to “more rigorous State-determined action”.
The State’s criteria for a school to exit “additional targeted support” status before being identified for CSI, and the number of years after which that re-identification takes place
Exit criteria for additional targeted support schools:
- a minimum of two years of consecutive increased subgroup achievement; and
- implementation of school improvement goals, strategies and action steps relative to subgroup achievement in state required Integrated Action Plan; and
- No subgroup on its own meets criteria for CSI low achievement identification.
Schools failing to exit Additional Targeted Support Status after four years will be identified for